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You’re Pregnant! Now What?

Finding Out that you are pregnant can be one the he most exciting and scariest things. For a first time mom, there can be so many questions and concerns running through your mind on what to do after you find out you’re pregnant. Here is a little guide to the next steps, after that test turns positive.

First Things First:

First things first, make sure that your positive test is actually a “positive” and that you are truly pregnant. Women have so many different hormones and things going on that false Positives (and negatives) can occur, so just to be sure take a few tests to make sure that this is the real deal. Some women even like to go to their doctor to get a test there, just to be positive.

Tell Your Partner: Honey! I’m Pregnant!

tell your partner you are pregnant

If you already haven’t, this would be the time to tell your partner the great news! There are many creative and cute ways that you can do this from a card to “Daddy” or a gift of the test! Here are a few ideas that others have had that you might enjoy

The Stir: 19 Clever Ways to Tell Him He’s Going to Be a Dad

Best 25 Husband Pregnancy announcements ideas on Pinterest

Decide on Your Healthcare Provider:

Now its time to buckle down and get down to business. Finding the right doctor for this time in your life is very important. Depending on your insurance, you may have different avenues you can go.  The whole process is a little invasive (to say the least), being pregnant is no walk in the park, so you can always meet with multiple doctors and hospitals to see which best fits you! once you have decided, call them up and set up your first Appointment!

Mums The Word:

pregnant announcement

Now although you are super happy about the new edition to your family, sometimes it is best to wait until about 3 months to let those around you know that you are pregnant.  That is generally when you are out of the “danger zone” and the whole world can rejoice with you and your partner for your upcoming blessing! Here are a few cute ideas to let your family and friends know that you are expecting.

Brain jet: 35 Most Clever and Cute Pregnancy Announcements Ever (Oh Baby!)

ShutterFly: 100 Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

Pregnancy Announcements ideas on Pinterest

Find a Prenatal Vitamin:

Prenatal vitamins are always a good idea while pregnant. They help to cover any nutritional gaps in the mother’s diet. Prenatal vitamins contain folic acid, iron, iodine, and calcium (along with many others), that are especially important, and best part of all they are amazing your your hair and skin! Win! you can buy your prenatal vitamins at any health/grocery store, or click on one of the links below!



Check Your Medications, Do they pass or not:

While you are pregnant, there are some medications that you will not be able tot are anymore. You should always talk an consult with your doctor on all the medications your are taking to see what has to be changed or taken out. Web MD lists medications that should not be taken, CLICK HERE, but once again you should always consult with your doctor about ALL medications you are taking, over the counter and prescription.

Foods To Avoid:

pregnant women shouldn't eat sushipregnant women shouldn't eat raw meat

Unfortunately, there are many foods that specialists recommend to avoid while pregnant and during certain trimesters.  Now this may seem like a cruel joke, because it always seems to be the foods you crave the most, but just remember in 9 months, you can have all of these items again.

 Women Should Avoid These Foods During Pregnancy

American Pregnancy Association: Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Document and Take Pictures!

pregnant maternity shoot

Now while this may seem like that last thing you want to do while you are pregnant and gaining weight like its your first semester in college again, you will appreciate it later on.  Pictures and a journal are a great way to remember the process, and to share with your child as they get older.  Take pictures of your growing baby, do a maternity shoot, embrace the bump! Here are a few ideas others have had for pregnancy shoots!

The Dating Divas: 50 Stunning Maternity Photo Shoot Ideas

245 Best Maternity Photoshoot Ideas on Pinterest

Start Buying Maternity Clothes:

Now I know this is something you never thought you would do or never wanted to do, but its time.  Buying maternity or even just larger clothes will save you lots of frustration and anger as your baby is growing inside of you.  If you buy these clothes ahead of time, and have them available, your pregnant life will be a lot more enjoyable.  Don’t wait until you have nothing to wear and want to kill your partner for doing this to you! Shop Below there are so many shops and styles to choose from:

H&M Maternity

Target Maternity

Old Navy Maternity

MotherHood Maternity

A Pea in The Pod

Macys Maternity 

Nordstrom Maternity

Use Lotion!

lotion to use while pregnant

Stretch marks are a real thing, and while lotion may not help to completely keep stretch marks for occurring, it will defiantly help.  Your skin is stretching so much while you are growing, so giving your skin so lotion love will only help.  After all, you are pregnant and growing at the speed of light. You can use Palmers Cocoa Butter and Palmers Tummy Butter to help. Palmers has a whole pregnancy section on their website with products CLICK HERE to check it out!

There are some other methods that people have claimed to help with stretch marks during pregnancy as well. Check out these home remedies here:

Mom Junction: 16 Home Remedies & Medical Treatments

Web MD: Pregnancy Stretch Marks: Treatment, Prevention, and More

The Healthy Honeys: 10 Easy Ways to Remove Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

Set Up the Nursery:

Nesting, or setting up the space for your child, is a very important step while pregnant.  As mothers, this is a sign our body gives us that the baby is coming and we need to get ready.  This includes, cleaning, organizing, and setting up your Little peanuts room. Now everyone has so many different styles when it comes to nursery, no one style will fit every parent, but here are a few cute ideas for Nurseries:

baby girls nursery room for nesting pregnant moms

Pretty Nursery room designs for pregnant parents

nursery designs to inspire while pregnant

Click Here to get some more Nursery Ideas:

Best Nursery Theme Ideas On Pinterest

Target: Nursery Ideas and Inspirations

Shutterfly: 75 Creative Baby Room Ideas

Research Baby Products:

Now its time to decide on the crib, stroller, car seat, high chair, monitor, and all the other essentials you need.  The best way to get an idea of what fits your family best is to research the reviews on each of these items.  every family has different preferences and needs, so what might fit one family best, will not necessarily be the best for others.  Here is the google front page for the reviews on each of these categories:

Best Crib Reviews

Best Stroller Reviews

Best Car Seat Reviews

Best High Chair Reviews

Best Bottle Reviews

Best Baby Monitor Reviews

Register For Your Shower:

register for shower while pregnant

Now that you have researched what brands are best for your family, you can now choose where and what you want to register for.

There are so many different places that you can choose to register, the most popular include: Target, Buy Buy Baby, Amazon, and Babies R Us.  Now that everything is so accessible online, anywhere you register should be good! You can also register at more than one place if your wish!

Trying to figure out exactly what you want and need for your new baby can be tricky.  Here are a are articles that list the essentials you should remember to register for:

The Bump: Baby Registry Checklist Must-Haves

Baby Center: Baby Registry Checklist

Rookie Mom: Baby Registry Guide

Make A To-Do-List:

Make a list of all the things that you want and need to get done before the baby comes! Having a list will help you stay organized and remember with that pregnancy brain. The list will also give you a sense of accomplishment and relief as you one by one check the things off that u need done before the baby comes!

Read! Read! Read!

now while nothing can ever quite prepare you for this thing called motherhood, there are many books out there that can help.  Reading will help to take some of your stress and anxiety away from not knowing what will happen, because at the end of the day pregnancy and motherhood is a beautiful thing that should be enjoyed every single day.  Here are a few books that can help get you prepared for this journey

happiest baby on the block book for pregnant moms

The Happiest Baby on the Block

Click Here to Buy

what to expect when you're expecting book for pregnant moms

What to Expect when You’re Expecting

Click Here to Buy

The Baby Book for pregnant moms

The Baby Book

Click Here to Buy

Touchpoints book for pregnant moms


Click Here to Buy

baby whisperer book for pregnant moms

The Baby Whisperer

Click Here to Buy

Check Out more books on Mom 365: Our Top 11 Parenting Books That you Need

Enjoy Your Pregnancy

Let’s all take a second and be honest, pregnancy is not the most glamorous or easiest 9 months to get through, but it is important to stay in the moment and appreciate every moment. We won’t be pregnant forever, the weight will come off, our appetites will change, our sleep patterns will change, but the little gift you get after these 9 months makes all of it worth it. So be present, be happy, and most importantly ENJOY!

Hope that this list has helped you a little, and made your new journey a little less scary.

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